Congratulations on taking the first step on your entrepreneurial journey.  At the beginning of this journey, aspiring entrepreneurs must do months of self-motivated hard work. Doing this work makes sure you have thought through your idea, and teaches you the language of entrepreneurship. If you are not ready or are off cycle to apply for our Get Started Cohort, make sure to Get Engaged!  If you want to jump into our environment right away sign up for Coworking!  Here are some first steps for you no matter how you decide to Get Started.

  1. Google keywords of your idea to see if you can find similar products/services

  2. Watch Episode 1 and 2 from Business Strategyzer

  3. Take a crack at your first Business Model Canvas.  Fill it out!

  4. Watch How to Start a Startup Series

  5. Interview at least 10 people in person that you do not know and who are potential customers or partners. Check out the customer discovery handbook.